Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

And our next American Idol is....

Jannell Wheeler. She is the Colbie Caillet sound-alike. And the ponytail guy they made take his shirt off, will be right there with her. I love those two. And that cute little dark-haired Katie Thomas. Those 3 are my early predictions to be in the finals. Jannell may go out in the 4 slot like Daughtry because she will be such a front runner.

Those are my guesses for tonite.

I love Ellen. She's awesome.



Anonymous said...

I heard Jannell was Tim Tebow's exgirlfriend. Isn't he that football player that got all that flack for doing the right to life commercial during the superbowl?

Anyway she was very good! I'm starting to get excited about the season. Hopefully these kids can take the pressure.

I hope that other rocker chick that was so annoying last night (Marie, Mary, Maria) can't remember her name doesn't make it to the top 24. Annoying!!!!

NJ (up to her ass in snow) Fan

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it that Big Mike is out of the 24. His father spoke to a newspaper and confirmed his top 24 a little to early. I hope that it is not true. I guess we have to wait and see!

NJ Fan

Jeffro said...

I read that Big Mike's dad got severely reprimanded but he is still in.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update Jeffro! Could you imagine if his father really got him kicked off the show. How long would it take Big Mike to talk to him again!

NJ Fan

Jeffro said...

I'm afraid Jannell might come off as annoying. My early pick is Andrew Garcia. He's got a really cool vibe going on.

Jeffro said...

OOh. Jannell first one out. So much for the arly favorite. Could Cole be losing her Idol touch??