Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dear Jeffro and NJ Fan...and others

Actually, it's weird. I am watching the blog for your comments...when it occurred to me that I'M SUPPOSED to write things, for you to comment on... I was really getting pissed that I hadn't heard from you guys.

Ok, so first. Jeffro, you hurt my feelings by kicking dirt in my face when Jannell got booted. I was sad. And now, it looks like DiDi is next. So yes, I am losing my touch dammit.

And, by the way, I have accidentally hurt my arm and am not supposed to type. I seriously have been going to rehab because I have somehow (knitting) gotten Tennis elbow. I have been told not to type or knit or grip anything for 2 months and must wear a brace and ice it 2 times a day.

If I hadn't given up cussing, the 4 letters words would fly right now. I'm sorry, but I am really depressed. I didn't even watch Idol this week. Yes, THAT depressed. I didn't even turn on the tv. I cry myself to sleep and am inconsolable.

Please send chocolate. And post some fun comments for me! I'll drag them to the top!


Jeffro said...

Hey Cole. I was just pointing out an observation. Would never kick anything in your face, heck I'm surprised I even had the balls to say anything after the whole witness protection thing. When you do something, you sure go all out. You couldn't just watch American Idol. You had to create a blog and get mentioned in USA today. You couldn't just take up knitting, you had to open your own yarn shop.You couldn't just have a sore elbow, it had to be tennis elbow with the sling and therapy. With the traveling you do, I'm shocked you haven't got your pilots license yet. wait. nevermind, don't want to give you any ideas. I'm sure you'll figure something out about the blog. Put your husband to good use and dictate to him. Better yet, just create a video blog and since you want your identity secret, just wear a Paula mask or something. But I shouldn't talk. After years of not wanting kids, we decide to have one and last week found out we're having twins. Hello minivan! Get well soon.

tinkfromcalif said...

Cole I am so glad to hear you are alive and well. I have missed your blogs. Sorry to hear about your tennis elbow. Take care of it so you can keep us all happy with your Idol insite! I have had a kind of crappy start of the new year so I am looking forward to your witty humor.

Congrads Jeffro! That is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Hey CB! Sorry to hear about your tennis elbow. My mom also got tennis elbow from knitting. I'm sorry to say she really never knitted much after that but I think you are more determined. Maybe she stopped because us kiddies got older and didn't really enjoy wearing the sweaters, hats and scarfs she knitted that much anyway (HAHA)!

Jeffro congrats! Life for you my friend will never be the same! Of course in a good way. I have two children. A son who will be 4 on Friday and a daughter who is 7.

Please CB don't give up on AI. This season I think will be a good one. A couple of stand out girls in Crystal and Siobhan! Keep watching for us blog peeps!

NJ Fan