Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

American Idol...finally a dude goes home

Sorry Paul, but I despise Rod Stewart and you were totally Tiny Rod to me.  I would like the number of your teeth whitener doctor before you go though.  Tweet me.

By the way, an odd thing happened as you were voted off.  I saw a really hot guy, once you shut your neon mouth closed.  You have a nice face, cool hair and I really like YOU, not the Rod Stewart Tribute Man you seemed to be.  I think you are hotter than Bradley Cooper actually.

Ok, so why am I writing this blog to Paul?

Alright Party Peeps, I'm not going to apologize for not writing for a while.  I have not been insprired. To be honest, I haven't even watched the shows for performances, I just watch the vote off.  I mean a speed watch, if I hate the song, I'm out.  I always watch Lauren Alaina, Stefano, and James Durbin.  When I need to be surprised whether I will cringe or like it, I dip into Haley.  Never watch Gospel guy, like Scotty alot but it's not fun cheering for someone knowing he already has a career in country in the bag.  He could sit out the rest of the show and have a record out by Christmas, and mark my words he will.  Sometimes I feel he is a country Clay Aiken.

Hey, did you hear that Kimberly Locke is going to be on a new talk show replacing All My Children?  Google it.  I love her.  I actually bought her album and it's awesome.  She had that one hit "8th World Wonder" but there are other songs that were just as good on that album.

JLo is so beautiful...been saying it all year, and damn if People magazine didn't make it official.

 I was  working from home on Friday and there is this new show called THE GOSSIP QUEENS on and listen, you need to DVR that shit for a couple of episodes because there is so much going on I can't even cover it all here.  Four comedians on a couch...a black lady that looks like Keanan Thompson from SNL in drag.  A white woman that looks out of place.  She never says a word and when she does it's like 'what?'.  I think her agent said "take the gig, get some tv face time, let America find out who you are and then, we will get you a sitcom".  Well, this American, says I know who you are and you ain't funny.  Get off the couch.

Next on the couch, the guy from Ugly Betty who played the fashion reporter always bustin on Wilhemina Slater.   The gay Filipino dude with spikey hair.  Now that guy IS FUNNY.  Seriously hilarious.  And finally some Amazonian woman I have never seen, who was sort of funny.

But the best part of all was the Latino lady that came on with the hot gossip.  OMG.  She was seriously funny with that accent like Gloria on Modern Family.  Hilarious.

Back to Idol:  Steven has absolutely forgotten he is a judge.  He thinks he is at a concert every night, like his own private party or something.  So funny.

Casey Abrams.  Talent locked in a nerd's body....that occasionally has lucid moments that are cool, but dissipate as quickly as they appear.

If you put a gun to my head and made me commit to who is going to win, I'd say...James Durbin.  Or Lauren Alaina, who was on my original pick list.

I do hope James wins.  I don't think he has the fortitude to withstand the industry though.  He's really emotional and fragile.  But if he gets a good manager that doesn't totally pimp him out and sell his soul to the highest bidder, then he might make it.  He's in a class with Daughtry.  Very talented.

Damn Daughtry and those twin babies.  We aren't going to get an album out of him for a while I'm guessing.

Well, off to get my feet remodeled for summertime sandals.  Time to scrape, shape and slap on fresh paint.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh Cole -I knew I could find you here. Let's get lunch back on the calendar! This week?