Welcome to Coley B's Blog-O-Rama of Drama

Blogstress, Cole Bronn, writes little tidbits and occasionally rants about American Idol and other celebrity gossip. And she knits too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Top 12 didn't suck

Well, I'm not a huge fan of the Stones so I had low expectations. they really rocked it out.

For me...this is the year where the face doesn't match the voice. The personality doesn't match the voice. Nothing about these people matches the voice.

That little Aaron Kelly singing Angie? What? Dawg?

Lee DeWyze or whatever. He's like a doughboy, but when he opens his mouth suddenly he's Adam Duritz from Counting Crows or Dave Mathews. Katie Stevens is a little Barbra Streisand to me. And that red head reminds me of Pat Benatar a bit...I know I am dating myself.

Randy, there is no Justin Timberlake this season, nor has there ever been. And he sux anyway.

Siabhan madness. For me, I hope it comes down to a 3 way shoot out with Lee, Siabhan and Crystal. Maybe Big Mike too. The rest are good but I won't go to their concerts.

Other random thougths:

Kara's clothes are uglier by the minute. She's starting to dress like Pauler.
Randy, try not phoning it in so much.
Ellen, starting to find her voice. Nice hair. Pretty eyes.
Simon...oh, he's there? It's an imposter. He's too nice.

Seacrest. He's the best. 100% solid every year and I loved his getting in Cowell's face tonite. Didn't quite seem staged, though I'm sure it was.

Jeffro, since you told me you are having twins, I no longer find it fun to flirt with you, so thanks for letting your power s_ _ _ m get in the way of the fun I had in this blog. I am officially killing my plans to stalk you in 2012 when you would have least expected it. Anyone want to buy a round trip to Indiana?

Please can some new guy step up and flirt with me now? Kidding.
And Jeffro, don't pretend to be someone else because I'll see right through it.

Looking forward to what you guys think about tonite.


Jeffro said...

Wait, what!? You are gonna let a few spawns get in the way of our innocent fun?? It's not my fault I was blessed with superior stock. Can we still be funny buddies at least? Seriously, no flirting? Okay. I'll get over it eventually. Wait, your not kicking me off the blog again are you?! It's twins, I'm not dead!! Btw, do you really think there is another guy out there that can step up and fill my shoes?? ;) Just realized that sounded pretty arogant. Whatever!

Jeffro said...

Btw, Cyrstal better not get into the "I'm great and can coast" frame of mind. She needs to push it every week. Thought her performance was good but average for her. My favs are Lee and that crazy goofy Siabhan. Didi is still hot.

Unknown said...

Simon makes the show. Even when he is only 50% interested as in previous seasons. I probably won't watch it after he is gone. Well, so far. If they find an interesting replacement as host (not Howard Stern - that will guarantee I won't watch it) I could reconsider. Kara is my second favorite and I love her hair, make up, and style! Ellen is trying too hard and I just want her to be funny. Don't try to say pitchy or that they're off key. Always find a positive (be the new Paula) and just be funny Ellen! Randy...give him a roll of stamps because dawg is mailing it in. What would he say if we took away the words: yo, dawg, hot one tonight, slay, What do you think E? , dude, worked it out, did your thaannngg....he would be speechless.
Contestants = all cpmpletely boring except for Sioban.
Dear America, I never vote but I still feel like I can complain about the contestants. Please don't vote for Connecticut Katie. She is PAINFUL to watch. Nails on the chalkboard.
Probably will watch again when it is final 4. It just ain't doing it for me anymore.
Cole, you need a new blog obsession to report on.
PS I love GLEE!